Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Read novels on your Mobile.

Whenever I used to travel before I had a habit of buying 2 novels at a time, the reason being that I always feared "what if" I completed my novel before I completed my journey. I always had the fear of choking to boredom. Strangely, whenever I carried 2 novels I never completed the first and whenever I just happened to carry one, I would always complete it before time and then curse myself for not carrying a second one. Recently, I found a software that can let me carry as many novels as I want.
No, its not Adobe reader, this little wonder that can fit 100's of novels into your mobilephone is MobiReader. Its a cool software and you can download loads of free novels and other literature from the internet. The best part is that it is free for life. The book format is '.prc' and you would find millions of books available on google. A standard 400 page novel would just take about 1 mb of your card space. I would suggest it to anyone who is an avid reader or people who travel a lot.

The link to the software is: http://www.mobipocket.com/en/HomePage/default.asp?Language=EN

Happy Reading ...



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